Day 1.

An all-day guided tour around the historic centre of Bologna to discover more about the founding and development of the oldest university in the western world: l’Alma Mater Studiorum, founded in 1088 CE. Over the centuries, unique places of learning were constructed, such as the Teatro Anatomico – with its precious woodcarvings and panelling – the longest meridian line in the world, the first Accademia delle Scienze and the invaluable University Library. Today, the university quarter is still the life and soul of student life in the city, and is often the location for film sets with its murals and alternative bars and pubs.

Day 2.

In the morning, a guided tour of the Manifattura delle Arti, known to the locals as the “Citadel of Culture”. The area used to be connected to the sea – it was the site of the old port of Bologna – and was once characterised by its multitude of mills, particularly paper mills. In recent years, the area has been given a new lease of life and is now the heart of the cultural, artistic and cinematographic industries, as well as providing a social hub for the Emilia-Romagna capital. In the afternoon, an optional guided tour of one of the city’s museums or the afternoon at your leisure. Lunch at the Manifattura delle Arti included. Dinner at your leisure. 

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